Monday, July 12, 2010

Funny face from Biscuit

Making funny faces from biscuits is fun for kids and also great for bithday parties. Here this is recipe of my daughter which i am sharing with u.


1 any plain round biscuit for face
grated chocolate for hair
sliced cherry, smarties or gems for eyes
1 thin long piece of cucumber for nose
1 half part of cashew for lips


* Arrange all this ingredients in a plate and make a funny face.
* Also other different ingredients can be used to make faces.


  1. I may have to investigate some of your ingredients, as they are definitely new to me! LOL I know I can easily try the vermicelli recipe, though! This particular project would be great for kid's parties. They would love playing with their food!
    Thanks for visiting. :-) Sue

  2. Your photos are amazing! They really make me want to try some recipes.

  3. OMG, I love this one! It reminded me of 'Mr. Breakfast' from the Pee Wee Herman movie!

  4. This is so great! I love your profile picture of Sweet William. I gave those as baby shower favors for my baby boy William...I need a food recipe blog. I LOVE to bake, but am theeee worst cook when it comes to regular food. I need all the recipe help I can get! lol Come on over and follow Boston Bee when you get a chance! ;)Alyssa

  5. So funny! I stumbled across your blog and would love to be food blog friends. lol. I'm learning to cook and have added this adventure on my food review blog, Moody Food Reviews.

    Stop by and give me your opinion and any suggestions! Thanks!

  6. GREAT photos and interesting recipes, I love the idea of the aunt used to make faces with shredded cheese and pears and raisins, I need to go see her....

  7. Love it! Love it! Love it! It's great to see the pictures of the finished product!

  8. Too Yummy & Nice blog & good post. overall You have beautifully maintained it, you must try this website which really helps to increase your traffic. hope u have a wonderful day & awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

  9. This was to cute. Thank you for posting

  10. I haven't really done anything with Blogfrog yet except sign up. Thanks for finding me through it. I love Indian food so I'll be checking back to see what else you post. Hope you become a follower, too.

  11. yam yam funny, cute and very easy, make in home for children


  12. this looks fun. too bad my girls are too old now.

  13. Thank you for stopping. I am following you. Your recipes are "right up my alley" (so to speak), What a delightful little face goodie for the kiddies. They will also be getting nuts, fruit, veggies, chocolate with plenty of magnesium. It's so clever. Thank your daughter, too. I'll be trying the marsala and the potato fritters soon. I like it that you use ghee. I'm lactose intolerant (but I can tolerate ghee) but I can substitute coconut milk or a nut milk for the milk recipes. Your presentation is very attractive. Thanks again. I can hardly wait. Manzanita

  14. Cute idea! I am so happy that you signed up to follow my blog, by doing that I am able to find your wonderful blog. I just signed up to follow you too and I can't wait to see what else you will be creating!
